Notice: Undefined index: et_header_layout in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1434

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: et_header_layout in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1435

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1435

Notice: Undefined index: et_template in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1436

Receita Prevista e Arrecadada | JANEIRO DE 2022

DataSubcontaNome da subcontaContribuinteCPF/CNPJRegistroHistóricoArrecadado (R$)
20/01/2022128TRANSFERENCIA FINANCEIRA - DUODECIMOPREFEITURA MUN ICIPAL DE VILA FLORXX.X69.278/ 0001-07RealizadoReferente ao repasse (duodécimo) para suprir as despesas da Câmara Municipal de Vila Flor/RN, relativo ao mês de janeiro de 2022.R$ 66.290.71
VALOR TOTAL:R$ 75.790,52

Notice: Undefined index: et_footer_layout in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1492

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1492

Notice: Undefined index: et_footer_layout in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1493

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1493

Notice: Undefined index: et_template in /home/ewcombr/ on line 1494